Monday, July 5, 2010

My Girl and Billabong wildlife park!

Okay so I get home and am introduced to a new thing on the net..its awesome so check some of these photos of Ruby out....

All these done with Ruby photos, I just love the new concept!!
So we decided to have a day out and headed off to Billabong wildlife park. So we pack up Ruby and headed off. Ruby seemed somewhat interested in the Koala but not sure what it was.
Of course Leilani led by example and it got easier all the time... hehe

Then it was off to see the Wallabies and Red Kangaroo... I spotted Leilani having time out with some friends.. well she made one new friends anyway....

But one little chap wanted to come and say hi to me as I think he thought I was being left out..

So having said hello to numerous animals we carried on until we happened upon a curious not so little chap who popped up to say...GIDDAY MATE! while his Wallaby friends held a meeting about him behind his back hehehhee
Anyway after having a quick wee chat we headed off to the Reptile house to see what was happening there...but someone was already keeping an eye on ussssssssssssss.....

After a quick essssssssssssssscape we headed on through the park where I patted a dingo (and no a dingo did not get my baby!!) hahahaha then some cockatoos and a wombat..jeez what a big unit! and finally to say goodbye to us was a curious little chap..actually all he said was hello!! but anyway there ended the trip to the park!!