Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cooking time & Ruby time

Well have not been doing much other than lots of cooking and spending time with Ruby whilst Mama went to Melbourne for a little break. So what has been going on lately, well I have been experimenting with cooking deserts and dinners....
Twice cooked chicken with ninety second vege and steamed rice

Enjoying my second attempt at Brownies..
Rosti's with poached egg and toast &
 home made relish on the side. I call it farmers breaky!

Deep fried spicy quail with smashed cucumber salad
Beef & onion & red wine pie with potato & kumura mash

Pancakes are a great way to start the day!
Anyway I am trying allot of new recipes and eventually think I might make a little cook book of my own. So apart from the new experiments Ruby and I hung out, as you see below she is a very busy girl!
She got her own glasses and then went cruising in her beemer...

To get away from her fans she hides in the toilets with her glasses as a disguise...

So off to the park for some fun and counting numbers then playing naughts and crosses.... for now that's it but a big trip coming up....