Sunday, November 6, 2011

Adelaide to Perth - The Nullabor Part IV

We leave Albany on a rainy and wind blown day and set off to see some of the sights but unfortunately they are (excuse the pun) dampened. We get to one lighthouse on the coast and the rain sets in hard. I'm running down the hill to the car and there is this massive kangaroo (the biggest I have ever seen) just relaxing in the middle of the path. Luckily for it bounds off as I have these nightmares of it beating the crap out of me (as stories of past enter my head).
Above left the coast of South Western Australia near Albany and just a little further away the lighthouse. I've seen better! So after the rain sets in we drive heading to Margaret River through Pemberton. we pass by Manjimup and somewhere near is a tree walk and God is on our side as the rain subsides and the sun breaks out for a time so we walk the tree tops and enjoy all it has to offer.
Caza taking a photo 30-40 metres high in the tree tops...
Me standing in front of one of the many huge trees around the tree top walk...
We head off in search of food and continue on our way to Pemberton then through to Margaret River. We go through Pemberton and somehow get lost and this place is small, so not sure how that happens but never mind, we continue our journey and then something catches my eye. 2 great big Santa's at a gate. What are they doing there? I say as I turn the car around and head back. Well it turns out to be a Christmas shop. awesome! We stop and have a browse and get a couple of Christmas deco's for the tree etc. just awesome and if your passing through I recommend you stop and have a browse.
Margaret River, well what a beautiful little spot (and for the wine lover a good all rounder) friendly people, staff at the local pub (with staff from every nation you can think of almost) but anyway we stop here for R&R for a few days and just enjoy whats on offer, walking, reading, eating, sleeping etc its just nice to put the feet up. Caza and I take in a wine tour (of course being cheap we do it ourselves) but still its fun. Below the Margaret River right near where we were staying at the camping ground and a great walk around.
Above "The Watershed Winery". One of about ten wineries we visited but I recommend this one, just all round good.
And so the High Street at night.
A few restaurants around a good pub and a great tourist destination with a beach near by to cover every one's needs. So on we go and now nearing the end of a great holiday with a great friend we head into Perth, stopping at a backpackers for the night in the centre of Perth. We search out the Perth mint for a gander, check out the city centre shopping, getting a few family presents for Christmas. That night we catch up briefly with a friend from England for dinner and then the next day chill at the movies and the beach just taking it all in. So then it s bye to my friend Caza and she's off back to her home in Brisbane and I am staying with a friend that I used to work with in Taree. Staying a couple of nights and seeing yet more city sights we enjoy and relax.
Street corner to the Perth Mint

Entrance to the Perth Mint

Alex (Crabman)
Perth City

Well that's pretty much the trip other than the personal conversations, the laughs, the moments shared between me and those friends and people that you meet and share those times with when you travel.
For now my friends my travel is on hold, however the adventures do continue as we wait for a little longer until my second child (my second little girl) is born. Not long now, only about 6 weeks to go.
Keep this spot vacant cause she's coming!