Saturday, July 2, 2011

Whats new?....

So, I am sorry its been so long since I did my blog. Well whats new? Well Ruby is getting a big brother or sister in December... yep big news and lots going on. Ruby, my girl is nearly 17 months old, how time flies. I have had my birthday....another one and another year of wisdom to add to my life's calender. Of course Ruby and Leilani are playing well with each other and we fall more in love with our girl as we go.
Soon it will be Leilani's birthday (the 13th July) and have not yet got her anything but have a few ideas.
So the autumn leaves have gone and Ruby much enjoyed playing with the leaves, but now the winter has set in....the days are bright and sunny even though its cold, its bearable.
So for my birthday I got lots of goodies, but one I like from a friend (Andrea, a.k.a. W2, Rubies godmother, aunty Andrea), and as reads.....

Of course Ruby is growing fast and is determined to walk everywhere, so now we have the monkey leash to slow her down.

Of course Ruby thinks she is going on 12 years of age and drinking from Mama's water bottle, but hey at least she is enjoying water!
Left: Ruby on the "leash" with Mama...
I am also getting out on the bike, (this was a few weeks ago and had rained quite a bit). I burrowed a friends to test the difference between his and mine...his beats mine hands down. anyway needless to say I only got half way this day...and yes I contemplated wading through but it was about up to my waist!
Anyway I am still cooking up a storm and enjoying all the stuff i cook. I am no where near masterchef level but am not too bad... below i cooked up a chicken breast stuffed with chilli and pistachio and bacon wrapped in bacon placed on a salad with sesame and soy dressing.

I have cooked loads of different food to see have a look on my facebook. Anyway that's it for now, will try to catch ya sooner this time. I am also planning a holiday for beginning of September so will have allot of photos and adventures to share. Catch ya.