Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A quick trip up to the Gold Coast

Well I get three days off work and our friend Andrea has come over from NZ to the Gold Coast. Its time for a quick trip to visit.  I finish my night shift in ED and we head off to the Gold Coast.  Seven hours later we arrive having stopped at Coffs Harbour for lunch and then drifting on up north. We are staying on the 9th floor, and if you know me you know I'm not to good with heights but I also don't let that get the better of me.. so as you  can see i still managed the balcony. Between the buildings is the Tasman.  Andrea (our kiwi friend) who flew over from NZ and who I refer to as W2 (wife #2) bought Leilani (W1) and I a little gift.
As seen on the Right; I love NZ for our unborn. Just awesome! So the hugs and gifts out of the way we proceed to have a few drinks (non alcoholic for some) and enjoy the sunset.  Early the next morning its up to find W1 and W2 gone for a walk along the beach, so its of to the gym for me. Later we hit the beach and a swim is in order..yep its winter but warm enough here. 
Left; Us on the Gold Coast with the Tasman in the background, enjoying Queensland. Above a pelican enjoying the sun.  Then its over to the jetti for a gander. Believe it or not there a floating church, so not to miss out heres a photo ,below.  Above it is us at Max Brenner chocolate place and man it was goooood!! Heres a few pics so you get the idea! Below Left from left Andrea & Leilani enjoying a choc fondue!
Its a short trip so after a little gambling and watching the Aussies loose to the South Africans (much to my disgust) we head home. On the way home we stop in at Byron bay (which is just humming) for brunch then onto home. On route we encounter a few bikies coming past and little did i know but its the Lone Wolf MC. Not to pass up a couple of good shots I jump into the back seat.  Hmmm maybe not the best idea I've ever had as they didn't seem to like it too much...... never mind, off home and chillin...

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