Friday, January 7, 2011

New years day...Hi 2011

The year ended with working until 2130 hours and then home to Leilani and Ruby. Ruby oblivious to the new year was already asleep. So a couple of beers and a bit of TV we retired to bed without seeing the New Year in...We areeeeee getting old! Anyway the dawn of a new year broke with Ruby up early as always, but we had a plan, Tumbarumba's annual new years RODEO. So off we went for a drive about an hour and a half away with the chiller box plugged into the lighter and packed with goodies to the rodeo.

And what a day, though we left early ( about 1530 hours we had a great time, watching all the competitions, starting with the kids calf riding, then the barrel races and moving on to bigger and better things. These young ones really know how to ride. The cowboy below and this horse set off my camera with an energy I forgot I had with photography!

Not long after this the horse fell and rolled with the cowboy underneath he got up and hobbled away with one leg a bit worse for wear....

These fellas just kept on comin and the animals just kept on bounding them off!!!

I love this shot (above) for the fact that the animal and rider are caught in midair and it helps to show the atmosphere of the day. Below shows that you can be staunch and cool and still wear a pink shirt.... hahhahahhahahaaa

This guy was clawing to stay on the bull but at the end they all end up on the same spot...The ground! 

This guy is an Indian (as in from India) and has become a full on cowboy and from what I heard from him is real good at it...however he did end up on a fence clinging like spiderman!  I do take my hats off to these guys and gals as you have to have some balls to do this sport.
However I did end up going home with my own to cowgirls at the end of the day....below my wife Leilani and our little girl Ruby!
Well that's the update, I would love to add more photos of the 574 shots I took in just four hours, but what a day, Happy new years everyone and I hope its a good one for you all...Cheers

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