Monday, December 26, 2011

Poppy is born...

We arrive at Wagga Wagga Base Hospital and within 2 hours our little girl Poppy Augusteen Driessen is born into this world. Born on 13.12.11 at 2243 hours, weighing 3.5 kg and 50 cm long. both Mama and Baby doing well. Though on this post its already 2 weeks later... Christmas has been and now on boxing day we as a family have enjoyed Christmas together. Opa & Oma are here and very proud of their grandchildren. my Sister (Ruby & Poppy's Aunt), Fran is here at the moment also enjoying the festive season. Presents abundant and food and alcohol being consumed we felt like Kings & Queens.
Our daughter Poppy on day 1....
Then we arrive home from the hospital and Leilani is meeting Opa & Oma Driessen & i as the proud father of both of our children carry our new born in to meet Opa & Oma for the first time.

Mama (Leilani) introducing Ruby to Poppy, Ruby has taken a real shine to her baby sister and kisses gently everyday. She also cries when Poppy cries maybe in empathy but is slowly getting better but watches her sister often.
Opa & Poppy sharing a tender moment, really good to see the bondage going on between generations.... and the close up also shows poppy relaxing back chilling out.
Oma & Poppy spending time bonding.
Ruby also gets time to chill out and is a little overwhelmed with presents...yes thank you everyone for such nice gifts. She is 22 months now and growing so fast, but hey she is so great and a real sponge when it comes to learning she'll be a great big sister and teacher when Poppy gets older.
Opa & ruby get some quality fum time in on the bouncer in the park! not sure who enjoyed it more...
and so does his son (me) gets to spend some quality time with my dad as we go to Tumut for a look & stop at Adelong to have a look.
Also Ruby & Oma coming along & spending time while Leilani gets time with Poppy & to catch up on sleep.
Oma & Ruby by the Tumut River, very surreal & peaceful.
And Ruby & I spending the time hanging out when she gets a little to tired to walk.
Also Ruby & Oma pose for a photo by the river at Tumut.
The family also gets time to go swimming which Ruby loves. She has taken a years worth of swimming classes & is so very confident.
well we look forward to the new year, and what 2012 will offer, until good!

1 comment:

Enke Smits-Driessen said...

Emil, Leilani, Ruby and Poppy,
thank you for the nice photo's of your all.
Hope that 2012 brings you lots of luck. Congratulations with baby Poppy.