Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas day and other photos..

Well its been a few weeks so I thought it time to post some more photos.. so not to much writing. Well this is Leilani (at 36 weeks pregnant) and I having a late (after work) Christmas dinner on the back balcony. Yes I refused to wear my "cool" party hat!

We also have some frangipani's growing out side.. as seen below using the macro lens..

Here is another flower that Leilani has been growing... it makes for a great shot as the sun blasts through it!

And since we are living in Australia I thought we haven't even seen a wallabi yet, (on the blog) as drivin down the road to work each mornin there are always some lingering about. I stopped and took a shot or 2. I will attempt to get better shots in the future...but for now I thought this one will be suffice!

So we get the odd frog, now you must remember that the frogs are only about 2 cm long..
also note that you can generally click on these photos to enlarge them to look at the detail..

Well thats it for this year... have a happy new years and catch ya soon with my excitin new update in the beginning of the new year..

Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Quick Trip back to New Zealand..

So my wife's pregnant, we head home for an early Christmas with the family and catch up with friends.. A few of Leilani's side of the family. Brunch celebrating Aunties side of the family. Then there is my brother and his family keen to catch up..... of course the dog doesn't like to be left out...

Above Left, Nikolai, above centre from left, Paula, Leilani + bump and pippy the dog and right Marcel and below Andrei. After a few days in Auckland adjusting to cooler weather and climate we head down to Tauranga to see family and friends..

Its great to be in the Bay of Plenty. My parents have some Alpacas the little one appopriately named Latte (left in the front).

Anyway onto fish & chips by the beach with a stroll around Mt Maunganui to watch the ships come into harbour...

With a sunset from Te Puna (Minden lookout) and a little of the Maori culture it was a quick 12 days in NZ....but thats how it rolls sometimes..

Friday, October 30, 2009


Finally a three day weekend off. Its down to Sydney for a look around and visit family and friends. And whilst we are down there lets get in some sight seeing.. Cruising by boat from Meadowbank to the city centre we come across nothing less than the Sydney Harbour bridge and look onto the Opera house... with an ol boat cruisin through....

Below the Opera house up close and personal;

As we are cruisin around the city, we are aware of the fact that we have become accustomed to country life as we attempt to push through the crowd. Yes we find it almost unbearable... but alas we find comfort (and pizza) in a pub.... Below the throngs of people;

As we meander around I spot some men getting ready for the days orders of food at there restaurant, below is a shot of there pegs as they prepare. I find the city interesting as all cities are. They never appear to sleep

rain, hail or snow, and as it happens it pouring on this day. Still its an adventure!

Ahhhh the joys of photography, I attempt to embrace the different colours and the dullness that the rain has to offer sometimes encaptulates a different light and reflections... there is also something about people with umbrellas that captivates my interest as well. Anyway moving on to find some Aboriginal fellas dancin to the didgeridoo.

It was great to catch up with family and friends. It was great to see and experience a bit of Sydney and the city life. However it also was great to head home to the country and quiet life of the outer regions of Taree.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Manning Point, Green Cathedral and animals

Well, I've been out to Manning Point to check out the area, and also drivin a friend out to Green Cathedral and up to Seal Rocks and Sugarloaf Lighthouse for a look. Heres Manning Point....

Boats moared at Manning Point, just off shore is oyster farms.                                                                               
Then its onto the Green Cathedral, just down from Green Point after driving through Forster (pronounced Foster), so much to see and do around this area, always something new and plenty of out door activities. The Green Cathedral is looking  onto Wallis Lake, it is a non denominational place that runs services on Sundays.

So we took a drive down to Sugarloaf Lighthouse and watched ten to 15 humpback whales cruise out from the harbour... such an awesome sight. A bloke out fishing got the best view of all as they cruised past him. This is the time they migrate south.

On the way into the point we drive past Seal Rocks a nice spot of beach and as we drive I look down and see a boa crossing the road, it took a bit to get my camera out and its already into the grass but heres a little look. Tell me if you know what its, but i was told a Boa. It was about 1 1/2 to 2 metres long. Off to Sydney next week so expect an update soon, cheers.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Recent photos & stuff I've been doing!

Well, I've been workin loads so thought I'd throw some stuff on of recent, so you knew what I've been doing even though its nothin dramatic... so here's my work.

I have been working here about 2 months now and still enjoyin! Below is some of my colleagues workin away...

And they obviously work hard as they have their heads down and getting on with it!
Anyway then the relatives came to visit, the cousies... Mike, looking for snakes and little Max- just not afraid, whilst the girls kept a watchful eye....and chatted of course! Max does love those outdoors though.

Anyway not a big amount but thats my fill for the past 2 weeks. There was a rodeo, 2 festivals, music jams etc on this last weekend but as I was workin all the way through missed out. Thats life but around here there is always something going on...catch ya soon.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A sand storm and time at Wallabi Point

Well theres a sand storm in case you haven't read or listened to the news... I was workin all mornin but managed to head on out to Wallabi Point to take a few pics and managed one or two of the dust covered sun before it set.... so heres a few shots......enjoy!                                    
Sand Storm takes over three states!  The dust just covers everything making the sun an amazing sight....... At one stage the sun was blue. Truly something rarely seen............


Sydney Airport closed, the ferry service shut down........... news says it could hit New Zealand!
Now onto Wallabi point where the surf is usually full of surfers and rampant waves crash... but for now the beach is mine!

The seaweed lies thick allowing for great photography and good padding over the rocks... wish you were here!
As the waves crash a short distance away...thirst and hunger take over, so its home for a steak, salad and garlic bread.........catch ya soon.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Around the house..

Just a few photos to add from around the house and neighbourhood... below is chester the horse.

Chester is one of four around the house and the stud of the lot.
I've also been gettin out and about in the bush on my landlords mountain bike... sometimes Patch and Nemo (Nemo's the black one) the dogs come with me.. they have no sense of getting out of the road when I'm cycling but hey ho. Heres my bike and the dogs sitting down as I've made them run full stick for about ten kms.

 The neighbours decided to have some (I wouldn't say monster cars but they drive up steep hills and boulders and stuff I think they are called MOG's) next door so I whipped down for a gander... heres a couple so have a look below.

Anyway heres another photo of the bush and one of a neighbours property. I have been keeping it pretty close to home at the mo but will be getting about soon. anyway enjoy!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A quick trip up to the Gold Coast

Well I get three days off work and our friend Andrea has come over from NZ to the Gold Coast. Its time for a quick trip to visit.  I finish my night shift in ED and we head off to the Gold Coast.  Seven hours later we arrive having stopped at Coffs Harbour for lunch and then drifting on up north. We are staying on the 9th floor, and if you know me you know I'm not to good with heights but I also don't let that get the better of me.. so as you  can see i still managed the balcony. Between the buildings is the Tasman.  Andrea (our kiwi friend) who flew over from NZ and who I refer to as W2 (wife #2) bought Leilani (W1) and I a little gift.
As seen on the Right; I love NZ for our unborn. Just awesome! So the hugs and gifts out of the way we proceed to have a few drinks (non alcoholic for some) and enjoy the sunset.  Early the next morning its up to find W1 and W2 gone for a walk along the beach, so its of to the gym for me. Later we hit the beach and a swim is in order..yep its winter but warm enough here. 
Left; Us on the Gold Coast with the Tasman in the background, enjoying Queensland. Above a pelican enjoying the sun.  Then its over to the jetti for a gander. Believe it or not there a floating church, so not to miss out heres a photo ,below.  Above it is us at Max Brenner chocolate place and man it was goooood!! Heres a few pics so you get the idea! Below Left from left Andrea & Leilani enjoying a choc fondue!
Its a short trip so after a little gambling and watching the Aussies loose to the South Africans (much to my disgust) we head home. On the way home we stop in at Byron bay (which is just humming) for brunch then onto home. On route we encounter a few bikies coming past and little did i know but its the Lone Wolf MC. Not to pass up a couple of good shots I jump into the back seat.  Hmmm maybe not the best idea I've ever had as they didn't seem to like it too much...... never mind, off home and chillin...