Tuesday, February 9, 2010

And along comes Ruby

Last week on the 4th february 2010 my wife and I after a long labor and an emergency C section finally had our little girl whom we named Ruby Roberta (after her late Nana on Leilani's side).

She was 8lb 1 1/2oz (3670gm) and 52cm tall and born at 1833hrs. We are delighted...of course! My wife and Ruby are now settled in at home and both doing well.
Left: Birthing room.
Below: Ruby with a little smile on her face....apparently this occurs when she is farting or pooing.

Here she is sleeping on me (her papa) and has that cute little open mouth thing that I do. And below she styles a punk rocker mohawk...

Little Ruby was just with Mama and first time having a feed when she popped her little hand out, I grabbed my camera and snapped this shot... then had a look and her foot was curled up whilst feeding so snapped another...
Above: Leilani and I giving Ruby a bath... It is truelly mind blowing to have a child and something so small and precious. Also it is true what other parents say..you just don't understand until you have your own..sometimes it feels so surreal but it is a truelly magical experience and even though she is only several days old she is changing and growing all the time. If you have children please take the time to take photos and enjoy them for the special littele characters that they are. So to you Ruby I dedicate this piece of blog...I LOVE you!

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