Thursday, March 18, 2010

Its been a while..

Well its been too long, however i'm here now and our little Ruby is growing by the day. I'm doing my Cert IV in training and assessment so thats taking up some time. My work in all their wisdom have decided to put me on a month of nights (partly because of my course) but having a baby in the house it doesn't get much more hectic. My beautiful wife, Leilani is coping well though and we are slowly getting sorted. Below is Ruby (growing at a heck of a pace..) wearing a little outfit my cool nephews bought (or at least picked out and Mum bought) and I thought was just great! Ruby at about four weeks old.
I have also found myself doing other projects in my spare time. (not much of that though) and below you can see my first painting done (in 20 odd years anyway!)
It is aptly named New Zealand Christmas. Ok let me explain for you non kiwis.. Kiwis love going on holiday somewhere near the beach usually and camping or caravaning is ideal... plus you can tell its Christmas time because the plant in the backgroud is a Pohutakawa (or New Zealand Chritmas tree) because it flowers red little fowers that make the tree appear like Christmas bulbs and it only flowers around the Christmas time (nov - feb).

I have also painted this one of a kiwi bloke on a tractor on the beach after he has just put his boat in the water. In the bottom right corner is a koru (A koru is the Maori name for a unfurling fern frond) and symbolises new life, strength and peace. In the distance of course are sheep. This one was named by Leilani and is called "Massy" after the massy ferguson tractors. I have done a few others of which I will post at some time..
I have managed to travel around the area a bit to look around just before Ruby was born and captured A giant fig tree, or at least the roots from it...What do you think of this one??In this area where the fig trees grow are flying foxes. These small bat like creatures are everywhere!! (about 40 000 of them). I will also post a pic of these at some point. Anyway I have fitted this blog posting in on my night shift so should get back to work... I will endeavour to update again soon.. oh and I have also managed to 'publish' a book, entitled "A taste of Australia" however can only be ordered through momento. And now working on a book about New Zealand, Catch ya soon!!

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